This classic rose bouquet is the epitome of simplicity and elegance, making it the perfect choice to convey your special sentiments to a loved one or friend. These Bouquets are hand wrapped and do not include a vase. Available in a variety of colors, this beautiful bouquet offers the perfect way to say "I love you." Whether you choose 3 roses, 6 roses, 12 roses, 24 roses or 36 roses, each is artfully placed in a vase and accompanied by abundant foliage and/or flower bits like wax flower, misty or baby's breath for a stunning presentation. This timeless arrangement is sure to bring joy and beauty to any occasion, making it a wonderful choice for any flower lover. If you would like roses in a vase, please choose the "Rose Bouquet in an Arranged in a Vase" option. Please note if you order a specific color it may require next day delivery. Pick "Go with the season" to guarantee same day delivery.
Wrapped Long Stem Rose Bouquet
If you choose delivery....We deliver Monday-Friday between 1pm-6pm. While we don't guarantee specific delivery times, we'll try to accommodate requests.
Our Delivery fee is $13 within 5 miles of Wallflower, $25 between 5 and 10 miles away from Wallflower and $35 outside of that area but still within Kooteani County. We do not deliver outside of Kootenai County.
If the recipient is not home at the time of delivery, we'll do our best to find a safe spot to place it, out of direct sunlight and precipitation. If we determine that quality of the flowers could be affected, due to weather like extreme heat or snow, or other circumstances, we will not leave the order.
If we determine there's no suitable place to leave the flowers, they will be returned to our studio and a redelivery will incur an additional fee. To ensure a successful delivery, please confirm your recipient will be available on the delivery date or provide instructions regarding a safe place to leave the flowers in the event of inclement weather.